Our Mission & vision

Bedtime in a Box improves childhood learning & health for families, regardless of income.

We envision a healthy and educational bedtime for all.

Bedtime in a Box is a creative but simple solution that supports the health and educational development of children prior to entering school by providing families with the materials, tools, and training they need to enact a comprehensive bedtime routine, seven days a week.


Research shows that early introduction to oral language and vocabulary directly correlates to later success in school. We’ve carefully selected each component of our Boxes to increase regular and routine exposure to literacy.

how it works

To implement our Bedtime in a Box program, we partner with existing educational infrastructure and health organizations such as elementary schools, early childhood centers, Head Start programs, hospitals and clinics, home visiting programs, and governmental agencies to distribute our Boxes to low-income families.


Our Boxes can be integrated into existing structures or programs working with children and families. They can also be used as a supplement to programs enhancing both parent education and reinforcing the importance of at-home learning. We’ve distributed Boxes at parent-child playgroups, to entire classes of students in schools, during after-school parent education sessions, and well-child visits at hospitals and clinics. Programs may also use our Boxes as incentive for participation or attendance.


Bedtime in a Box has been highly successful in improving early indicators of success for children. Since we started delivering Boxes, we’ve seen families reading significantly more with their children each week. We’ve also seen the number of families implementing a consistent bedtime routine nearly double. This data represents an increase in oral language development and improvements in sleeping patterns that support the development of healthy minds and bodies of children.

In our first year, we provided our Boxes to over 600 low-income families in Baltimore. Since then, demand for our program has continued to grow, and as of today we have delivered more than 47,800 Boxes. These Boxes represent over $6.8 million worth of resources, including more than 215,800 new books and 525,800 additional bedtime materials, all going into the homes of families that need them most.